Flaxseed Oil 60 ml Khalis Pur
Flaxseed Oil 60 ml Khalis Pur
The solution to Chapped lips
The unsaturated fats in flaxseed oil can make your dry & chapped lips delicate and smooth.
Helps with Constipation
Cold-pressed flaxseed oil can be effective in treating constipation and diarrhea because of its laxative properties and anti-diarrheal activities. To study (1) its efficacy, patients undergoing kidney dialysis received flaxseed oil as a remedy for constipation. Results confirmed its effectiveness in easing the symptoms of constipation and diarrhea.
Reduces Inflammation
The cold-pressed flaxseed oil is also known to have favorable effects on inflammatory markers like C-reactive proteins. A study (2) was conducted to investigate the therapeutic potential of L. usitatissimum oil (aka flaxseed oil) against inflammatory diseases like arthritis. Results showed flaxseed oil exhibits protective effects against arthritis. However, the anti-inflammatory potential of L. usitatissimum oil is attributed to the presence of unsaturated fatty acid content, particularly alpha-linoleic acid ALA.
Improves Heart health
Pure flaxseed oil also improves heart health. Experts link polyunsaturated fats ALA with improved heart health that results from controlled blood pressure and the lipid profile. Based on the results of different clinical trials, it is proved that the high ALA content in flaxseed oil produces significant cardiovascular benefits.
Treating Diabetes
A diet rich in omega 3 and omega 6 helps in modulating insulin sensitivity and thus offers protection against diabetes. Since cold-pressed flaxseed oil is a good source of omega-3 and omega 6 fatty acids, individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes can benefit from it. A study (3) explored the relationship between flaxseed oil supplementation and type 2 diabetes. Results revealed diet rich in L. usitatissimum oil reduced the symptoms of type 2 diabetes by suppressing inflammation and improving the glycemic index.
May Aid in Treating Depression
Some researchers (4) claim that incorporating omega-3 in the diet improves mood. Therefore, it combats depression and acts as a mood lifter. Recently few treatments have also proved the effectiveness of a diet rich in omega 3 in treating mild to moderate depression.
Cold-Pressed flaxseed Oil for Skin Care
Flaxseed oil contains some essential fatty acids like ALA, some vitamins, anti-oxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties. The presence of these essential nutrients makes it effective in improving skin health. It improves skin roughness, skin sensitivity, and alleviates symptoms of atopic dermatitis (a skin condition characterized by redness and swelling).
Reasons Flaxseed Oil is Good for Hair
Flaxseed oil is a source of nutrients that are beneficial for hair and scalp health. Its omega-three fatty acid and vitamin B content reduces inflammation that otherwise interferes with hair growth and unhealthy scalp. The presence of vitamin E (anti-oxidants) fights off radicals responsible for scalp infection (acne), hair loss, eczema, and dandruff. The proteins and selenium in cold-pressed flaxseed promote it for healthy and shiny hair.
Solution for Dry Eyes
Cold-pressed flaxseed oil contains an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids – alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) that tends to improve the symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Its ALA content regulates hormones that trigger dry eye syndrome. Analysis of omega-3 has proved its effectiveness in the curing dry eyes.